Monday, May 2, 2016

Agenda for 5/3

1. Complete data gathering assignment. When complete upload to eBackpack assignment #15

2. Project Creation

You have several options for how to create your project. You may choose among the following options (and if you have another idea, just ask. I might say yes. But I will say no to Keynote or Google Slides):

  • Adobe Slate
  • Adobe Voice
  • Prezi
  • iMovie
  • Nearpod
3. Your project will be assessed based on the following criteria:

A. Content - your project includes all necessary information (25 pts)

B. Organization - your project "tells a clear story," is easy to follow, and the information is presented in a logical order (10 pts)

C. Visual Appeal and Polish - your project is neat, polished, free for written errors, attention grabbing and an appropriate combination of text and imagery. (10 pts)

D. Cite Sources - your project must cite the source of all information and pictures in a "References and Images" list (at the end of your project). If it an electronic source, you must provide the NAME OF WEBSITE and LINK only. ***For images, GOOGLE IMAGES is NOT what you should be citing. You need to go to the website that actually hosts the image and cite that website. (5 pts)

4. Due Date - Projects are due Monday 5/9.  5 points will be deducted for every school day that it is late (up to 5 days). After 5 school days late, you will have to meet with me for permission to turn in.

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