Friday, April 29, 2016

Agenda for 4/29

1. Who is USAID?

2. USAID Project

Today you will be working to learn more about one of the major issues related to global poverty that is addressed by the US foreign assistance agency, USAID.

Use this link to the USAID website to begin gathering your data. All questions below can be answered using the USAID website. No other outside research is required.

Here are the steps for gathering your data:

1. Identify the problem: Choose your "sector" or category of problem addressed by USAID. Be sure to include relevant statistics. Explain why you think this is a particularly important issue.

2. Define/describe the problem: describe the nature of the problem and be sure to include as much specific detail (and statistics) as possible.

3. Outline the USAID solution: explain how USAID is attempting to address or fix the problem

4. The results: describe any significant accomplishments as a result of USAID programs designed to address your problem. Be sure to include relevant statistics.

5. Case Study: describe in detail a specific example of a USAID program designed to address your problem. Be sure to answer the where, when, what, why, how. Be sure to include relevant statistics.

6. Your analysis: describe your thoughts on the USAID program. Do you think it is working? Is there part of the program that you think is particularly effective or ineffective? Would you make any changes to the program? Why or why not? 

HW - Complete the data gathering process. Have the information for the questions above answered so that you are ready to begin creating your project next class. Turn in your information document to backpack Assignment #15.

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