Thursday, May 14, 2015

Agenda for 5/14 and 5/15

1. Finish "Born into Brothels"

2. What is the state of global poverty for children?
    • 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation.
    • 1 billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development.
    • 148 million children under the age of 5 in developing regions are underweight for their age.
    • 22 million infants are not protected from diseases by routine immunization.
    • In 2008, 8.8 million children worldwide died before their 5th birthday.
    • 4 million newborns worldwide are dying in the first month of life.
    • 2 million children under the age of 15 currently live with HIV.
    • 101 million children are not attending primary school.
    • Death by Birth Place: 7 countries are home to 65% of the world’s hungry: India, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.  
    • The number of people suffering from hunger is greater tha the population of the U.S., Canada and EU combined. 
    • UNICEF
3. 1.1 BILLION people living on less than $1/day.
4. What does the US Gov. spend per year on foreign aid, and how does this compare to the amount spent on the military per year?
  • $30 billion goes to programs that assist the world’s needy.
  • $663 billion goes toward military spending.

5. What does Bill Nye the Science Guy have to say about all of this?
  • What does the US spend on foreign aid? What is the myth?
  • What is the most common cause of death for Children 5 years old and younger?
  • Has foreign aid helped in Africa?

HW - Assignment #24

Answer the following questions: (quiz next class based on these questions - open notes)

1. Which 3 statistics about global poverty are the most significant to you? Explain why.
2. Which challenge faced by people living on $1/day do you believe is most significant/pressing. With limited resources, which problem do you think should be addressed first?
3. What does the US Gov. spend per year on foreign aid, and how does this compare to the amount spent on the military per year? What percent of the federal budget in 2013 was spent on "International Affairs?"
4. What is the most common cause of death for Children 5 years old and younger?
5. Cite a statistic that supports the fact that foreign aid has worked in Africa. 

*Submit your answers to Assignment #24

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