1. The Environmental Cost of China's Growth - video
A. In a paragraph, explain three environmental problems experienced in China as a result of their rapid economic and industrial growth.
A. What has the US promised?
B. What has China promised?
C. Do you believe each country will live up to its promises? Why or why not?
3. Chinese Ghost Towns - click link to watch video (0:00-13:18)
A. What percent of China's GDP has been from real estate?
B. How does China calculate its GDP in terms of real estate?
C. What is real estate "speculation?"
D. How many millions of empty homes exist in 11 of China's major "ghost towns?"
E. What is being destroyed to build these new "cities"?
F. What is the value of the land taken by rural farmers to build the new Chinese cities?
G. What percent of GDP has real estate been in China for the last three years?
H. Why would it be a disaster if the real estate bubble "bursts?"
HW - submit your answers to the questions above to eBackpack "Assignment #21"
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