2. The Fight between Apple and the Fed. Government
3. Your opinion?
Respond to ONE of the questions below in a paragraph and upload to eBackpack.
You will have ten minutes to respond. If you do not finish in ten minutes, you can finish for HW. Be sure to turn in by next class.
- Who do you side with in this debate? Apple or the Fed. Gov.?
- What do you think is more important: the national security interest in getting information related to the San Bernadine terrorist attack, or the privacy interest in keeping iPhones and user data secure from government and/or unlawful intrusion?
- Which do you think is a more serious to Americans: the potential of a terrorist attack, or the potential of someone (the gov., hackers, family, police, etc.) gaining access to information that you wish to remain private.
Paragraph Structure
A. Thesis/Topic sentence
- "Although (one reason that goes against your opinion), more importantly (state your opinion)."
B. Counter-argument
- explain what you agree with from the opposite side (Counter argument)
C. Transition to main argument
D. Main argument
- explain the reasons and examples that support your main argument
E. Summation
- Summarize/restate your overall opinion
Upload your completed paragraph to "Assignment #7 - Apple v. The Feds - Paragraph"
4. Assignment #8 - Foreign Policy Options Graphic Organizer
- Using the materials you received in class, complete the graphic organizer for all four options.
- After completing the G.O., choose which option you agree with most strongly.
- Then, complete the three "Expressing Key Values" questions for your chosen option.
- When complete take a photo of your completed Graphic Organizer and upload to eBackpack Assignment #8.
- Due at the start of next class (Friday - 2/26)
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