2. PRO/CON: Should the U.S. send weapons to Ukraine? (20 mins)
- If asked for a NEWSELA code: 8DU6EJ
- Based on the beliefs/values of your "Option" should the US send weapons to Ukraine?
- Read both the PRO and CON arguments in the article
- Based on those arguments, and what know about your foreign policy "Option" what is your opinion? Make sure your opinion matches the values of your option. Refer back to your Options packet for a description of those beliefs and values.
- Write a one paragraph explanation of your opinion. Be sure to specifically reference the beliefs of your option, as well as at least three specific arguments from the article. Submit your paragraph to eBackpack assignment "In-Class Assignment 3/2."
- Meet with group and complete the following tasks
- As a group, discuss your responses to the Ukraine article. Be sure to come a consensus as a group, so when the topic come up in the debate, you are all on the same side.
- It is expected that all students will participate at least once during the debate. If you have yet to speak, take some time to think about an argument that you could make either in defense of your own Option, or to attack one of the other Options.
- Be sure that questions 1, 2, 4, and 5 are answered from your debate note sheet. If those are complete, you should also begin work on questions 3 and 6, while waiting to begin. Remember the note sheet is a quiz grade, and you will be handing it in at the end of class.
- Review your prepared remarks if you have yet present during the debate. Be sure you know who will be delivering them.
2. Policy Beliefs
economyinternational security- international relations
- health and environment
- culture/values
3. Real world examples (including sending weapons to Ukraine)
4. Closing Argument
3. Complete Assignment 6 - "Debate Note Sheet"
HW - Finish the Debate Note Sheet (you will hand in the paper copy)
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